About Silo118.com
Silo118 art gallery got its start in 2016 on the ground floor of an historic feeder silo in Santa Barbara’s Funk Zone.
The silo was built in the late 1940’s to supply flour for the Weber Bread factory which was in business next door from the late 1940s through the mid-1970s. After the bread factory shut down, the silo lay empty for decades, until it was refurbished (somewhat) in the early 2000’s.
In 2016 Bonnie Rubenstein was given the opportunity to run an art gallery and moved from the east coast. She called it Silo118 for obvious reason - reflecting both the iconic grain silo in the middle of a town and the address on the street where the silo lives.
In 2018 the on-line version of Silo118 became the sole entity of the gallery until November 2021, when Rubenstein re-opened the brick and mortar in the same iconic silo with new and familiar artists.
Images of Silo118 Gallery